How Stress Affects Your Heart

Whether from an unexpected bill or a tight deadline at work, stress seems to be a fact of life. While you may not be able to escape life’s many stresses, the amount of stress you endure and how you react to it can affect your health, and more specifically your heart health. Because heart disease […]

What Every Woman Should Know About Heart Disease

Womens Heart Health

The most important thing women should know about heart disease is that it’s the No. 1 killer of women in the United States. Once thought to be primarily a male disease, heart disease doesn’t discriminate. It kills women and men equally. One in three female deaths is due to heart disease and stroke, which is […]

Experiencing Lightheadness or Dizziness? You could have Carotid Artery Disease

If you’re experiencing unexplained dizziness or lightheadedness, it may be time to see a doctor. These symptoms can have a range of causes, but some of them are serious and can even be life-threatening, like carotid artery disease. To find out if your symptoms are related to carotid artery disease, schedule an appointment with us […]

How Diabetes Increases Your Risk for A Heart Attack and What You Can Do About It

Many people know the risk factors for a heart attack include everything from high blood pressure and elevated cholesterol levels to smoking, being overweight, and being under too much stress. What some may not realize, however, is that simply having diabetes can also increase your chances of suffering a heart attack or stroke. In fact, […]