Symptoms of Varicose Veins
Millions of Americans live with the pain and embarrassing appearance of varicose veins. Their distinctive look is difficult to miss and can be the cause of other health problems. Varicose veins have a number of risk factors and mostly affect older people, though people as young as 20 develop them, too. This condition can be […]
Are Spider Veins a Health Risk?
By themselves, spider veins won’t usually pose any direct risk to your health. However, they can indicate other health problems that may need to be addressed. Below is some information about spider veins and how they affect your overall health. What are spider veins? Spider veins are dilated veins that can be seen under the […]
Different Kinds of Vein Problems
Vein problems are more common than artery problems. The most common place to have issues with your veins is in your legs, a problem that affects more than 27% of Americans. The condition tends to worsen as you get older and can become serious, even disabling. Vein problems more often occur in the legs because veins […]
Two Common Risk Factors for Spider Veins and Varicose Veins
If you’ve developed varicose or spider veins in your legs, you’re not alone — 30%-60% of the adult population in the United States develop these types of veins. There are many factors that place you more at risk of developing visible veins, but two account for a large majority of cases — gender and age. At Prime Heart […]
Learning the Difference Between Chronic Venous Insufficiency and Obstruction
Your veins work hard to keep the blood flowing to your heart from body parts near and far. But it’s those “far” ones that have the hardest job. The veins in your legs have to deal with the extended distance from your heart and also have to work against gravity to get the blood back […]
Recognizing the Red Flags of Chronic Venous Insufficiency
Venous insufficiency is a condition in which your blood flow from your lower extremities back to your heart doesn’t function properly. Blood pools in your legs, putting pressure on your veins. This condition, which is sometimes caused by circulatory conditions like phlebitis and can eventually lead to serious complications like venous leg ulcers, affects as […]
Here’s How Your Weight Affects Your Veins
After you’ve been on your feet for a while, do your legs start aching and even burning? Are your feet and ankles swollen? These are some of the signs you may be developing vein problems. Problems in your veins, especially your leg veins, occur more often in adults over 50 years old, and more often […]
Why Are Women More Susceptible to Varicose Veins?
It may not seem fair, but varicose veins are more common in women than men. In fact, they’re twice as common. Why, you may wonder, are women more susceptible to developing these gnarled veins? Well, it may have something to do with pregnancy and hormones. Renowned cardiologist Rishin Shah, MD, at Prime Heart and Vascular, […]
5 Factors That Put You at Greater Risk Of Developing Vein Problems
The average adult body contains a whopping 100,000 miles of blood vessels that circulate nutrient- and oxygen-rich blood throughout the body. Your heart provides the engine for this circulation and sends out blood through your arteries, which then returns through your veins for another round. With so many miles of vessels, it’s little wonder that […]